Wednesday 2 November 2022

Reindeer Chocolate Orange Cover

Every Christmas we get together with 6 other couples for a Christmas lunch, which usually turns into a day long very boozy affair - its great fun. One couple always hosts and boy do they host! There is Bucks Fizz upon arrival, an absolutely amazing Christmas meal and several heavenly desserts, including, of course, a Christmas pudding which is lit with brandy. All very yummy!

This year I decided to make some little gifts for all the girls (don't feel sorry for the boys, they would not appreciate my hard work I can assure you). Whilst on the retreat in Carcassonne I had got chatting to one of the other ladies who said that every year she makes chocolate orange covers for the girls at her work, and I thought that that sounded like a perfect little token gift, to which I knew I could give that personal touch by making them, knowing noone else would bring anything similar - none of the group are crocheters. Or crafters even. What's wrong with them ? Don't they know what they're missing out on?!)

I had a look on Etsy and found this sweet little pattern for a baby reindeer chocolate orange cover from Make Do and Craft. Have a look at her shop, she has the cutest little crochet patterns, and the one I bought was very well written and easy to follow.

Oh by the way, if you're not from the UK you might be thinking "what the heck is a chocolate orange anyway ?". Well its like it says really, its chocolate in the shape of an orange.

When you open it up it has about 20 segments, and the chocolate is orange flavoured and simply DiViNe. As a child I always had a chocolate orange in my stocking, and it just wasn't Christmas without one. So I trotted off to the supermarket and bought 6 chocolate oranges. And I can report that I did not even eat any of them!! How's that for self-restraint!

Over the last week or so I've been working away on the various reindeer body parts.

OMG those antler pieces were SUPER-FIDDLY to do, there were 24 pieces altogether, I was going cross-eyed one evening working on those. The main piece is a round ball shape that fits snugly over the orange.

Then the mask sits on top of that and is sewn on ...

Then the other pieces are all sewn into place to make a sweet little reindeer ...

Isn't he so cute ? I think these are even cuter than the pigs in blankets that I made :) 

Next I wanted to make some lovely little Christmassy fabric gift bags to wrap them in. I coudn't find my Christmas fabric anywhere (I've no clue where loads of stuff is since we moved house last year) but I did find a pack of tartan fat quarters which I thought would fit the bill.

Doesn't it just scream Christmas ?? I especially love this one ... makes me think of cosy pyjamas ...

I am a very messy sewist, so don't look too closely, but I managed to turn the fat quarters into some little drawstring bags ...

.. and finally I made some little tags to go on the bags. The crocheted holly leaf is a pattern from Attic24, you can find it here. Bit of hot glue and a red button and - ta-da - some cute little gift tags...

I bagged up the oranges, and attached the tags, and here they are all ready for Christmas ...

I couldn't help myself but take a load of photos of the little reindeer though, they are very photogenic! ...

I'm not normally organised enough to have hand-crafted Christmas presents done in early November, but I have a deadline to work to - tomorrow I'm going into hospital to have my gallbladder removed. Its done by keyhole and I should be home the same day, and hopefully will recover within a couple of weeks. I'm hoping Mr EC will step up and do the cooking, laundry and taxiing the kids around, meanwhile I'm going to use the enforced rest to crack on with my fireside blanket, I've been saving it especially for this reason :) Wish me luck!

Til next time have lots of crafty fun,



  1. What a great idea! I've had the chocolate orange and just found it to be ok...not my cup of tea so to speak. But those are darling covers!

    1. Chocolate orange WITH a cup of tea - now you're talking!

  2. How cute these are! When I first read "reindeer chocolate orange covers," my brain did not want to process it, but now having seen them I am delighted!

  3. What a cute project! I hope your surgery goes well and recovery is fast!

  4. They are such sweet little gifts, sure to be appreciated. Good luck with the op, hope it will be over quickly so you can settle down to recovery, some pampering and lots of crafting. Jennyff

    1. Op went really well and I'm feeling good, doing some crochet this morning :)

  5. Aren't those the cutest, Jill! Almost too cute to take the orange out and eat--almost. I have seen other UK bloggers talk about chocolate oranges, but have never tasted one. Anyway, your little gifts will be loved, I'm sure :) Wishing you a very speedy recovery from your surgery tomorrow!

    1. oooo chocolate oranges are the BEST! Surgery went really well, feeling good today thanks

  6. Oh my goodness those reindeer are super cute and your little tartan bags and labels are perfect for them.
    Will be thinking of you and wishing a speedy recovery from the op. Look after yourself x

    1. Thanks, I thought the bags and tags were the perfect addition. Surgery went well and I'm feeling pretty good today

  7. They are wonderful and look particularly good altogether, how can you part with them! Good luck with your op. Hope all goes well and you're back to normal soon. x

    1. I know, I kind of want to keep one for myself -especially the orange LOL

  8. I love those crocheted reindeer covers. We have the chocolate orange here in the US, but I don't think it is very popular. I like your tartan bags.

    1. Maybe they're just not marketed a lot - over here they are very popular, especially at Christmas

  9. so cute, we can get the oranges in NZ now, yummy

  10. we have the oranges here in the US too - I must admit I have rarely gotten them though I did like it as I recall. - cute covers.

  11. They are fabulous and I'm sure they'll be well received, your friends will love them. I don't think there's anything better than a gift which has been made for you, all the thought, time and effort that has gone into it shows you really care. Good luck with the op, I hope all goes well and your recovery is swift.

    1. Thanks for your kind words, op went well and I'm feeling good today

  12. Oh, my heart!!! They are just the cutest.
    I had my gallbladder removed about 12 years ago. It was an easy op and recovery. I do hate the diet restrictions though. Icing, ice cream and I do not get along anymore but I've managed to be able to eat most anything else as long as it's not too greasy or not too much. It's still much better than that pain.
    Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    1. Oh that pain was awful wasn't it! The op went really well (glad yours did too!) and I'm feeling good today. Will be interesting to see how my body copes with various foods

  13. Sending prayers and hugs.. hope you are feeling well and healing well.
    I love the project you shared, so very cute!!!
    xx oo

    1. aw thanks, and thanks for the surgery wishes too, it went well and I'm feeling pretty good today

  14. Love the reindeer they’re gorgeous . Hope your op went well and you recover quickly. B x

    1. Thanks! Op went well, feeling really good today, just a bit tender

  15. OH Jill what a wonderful idea! And they turned out absolutely beautifully!! You are such a talented Gal. They will love them! xo

    1. Thanks! I hope they do love them, I loved making them!

  16. Gosh Jill! What cute reindeer! I’m almost tempted to gave a go too but maybe not! Love the tartan bags too. 😁👍 Hope you are recovering well from your op - and good luck to hubby looking after you. I know my hubs struggled last year looking after me - I don’t think he’s recovered from that yet. Thinking of you!
    Hugs, Barbara xx (The Flashing Scissors)

    1. well as we speak husband is still in bed and I've gotten up to get on with things LOL no seriously he's got a bad cold and didn't sleep well. I feel pretty good today though!

  17. They are so cute! The recipients will be sure to love them. Xx

  18. Thanks, surgery went well and I'm feeling good :)

  19. I don't remember seeing chocolate oranges in the US but I'm surely going to try one if I do. I love your reindeer cover and you really went all out with bags and tags. I wish you a speedy recovery and plenty of time to work on your fireside blanket.

  20. Those are so cute! I am getting into the holiday spirit and love this time of year.

  21. These are so sweet, you have far more patience than me I have to be in the mood for fiddly but they will be loved and very much appreciated I'm sure, well done on getting them finished so quickly. x

  22. What a labor of love! Just a perfect gift anyone would love to receive!

  23. What a nice idea for small gifts but also a lot of work.


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