
Finished Projects

Friday 22 September 2017

Finish for the Weekend

Hello dear friends and readers!

Welcome to this week's Finish for the Weekend, it would be lovely if some of you wanted to join in, see below for instructions :)

Sorry I'm a bit late this week, its been a busy couple of days. Anyway, here I am now with another Finished Object - hurray! I had a rummage around my abandoned projects drawer, and found half a ball of lovely red, white and blue Lily's Sugar N Cream cotton that I'd won in a giveaway a couple of years ago, and of which the other half had been hooked into a circle - what it was going to be I have no idea!

I decided just to add a couple more rounds and use it as a table-mat thingy on my kitchen table, it matches my spotty tablecloth quite well don't you think ?

It also goes well with my red "Juice" jug/vase which was a £1 bargain from the charity shop, I love how bright red it is, sort of a proper Red red if you know what I mean. (Just hope no-one ever tries to drink juice from it as I only ever use it as a vase - bleurgh)

There we go, looking lovely :)
What have you finished for the weekend ?

Til next time,
Jill xxxxx


Welcome to Finish for the Weekend, a weekly chance to link up and share with the blogging community some of the projects you have completed this week. The only rule is that your post must be about an item you have finished this week, hopefully to help reduce some of those piles of UFO's!

Here's how to join in:

1. Write a blog post about your finished project.
2. Link back to Finish for the Weekend by adding this text as a link on your post:
3. Publish your post
4. Link back from here to your post by clicking "Add Link" and adding your post's URL
5. Spread the bloggy love by visiting and commenting on the other Finish for the Weekend posts.

The Finish for the Weekend post will open for new links on a Friday at 12noon London time, and it will stay open until Monday at 12noon to allow for overseas bloggers to join in. These time may vary but I will do my best to keep it roughly the same. Looking forward to seeing all your posts !


  1. Looks great, love the bold colours. I was hoping to have 1 sock finished but unpicked some at the toe as it was obvious it was going to be too short. I did throw out the option to my husband that he could just cut off his toes but... anyway, I'll add another inch before decreasing. I've lost count how many trying on sessions he's had. A great idea btw to open this up to others. Have a good week. Cathy x

  2. It looks lovely and goes perfectly with your red vase/jug. I finished a red, white and blue twin sized blanket for a friend in a nursing home this week. It took me about 1 1/2 weeks to make. Have a lovely weekend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  3. I love red/white n blue so this is a good finish! I do like it with your vase, too!

  4. I'm glad to see you again.. I lost all my blog list a while back and have slowly been rebuilding it.. you're back on it!! *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* to your darling little girl! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  5. Your pretty mat looks very cheerful and patriotic at the same time, I'm sure it will be very useful too. Have a good week. x

  6. Cute! Isn't it nice when your FO's are immediately handy.

  7. Your vase coaster is really nice. It is so satisfying to have a motivator like a link up and the added bonus of finishing things that are unfinished. I will join in soon with a link maybe next week if I finish a little baby cardigan I started last night. Jo x

  8. It looks really good underneath the stunning juice jug, the perfect container for flowers.

  9. Your jug and the table mat complement each other so well!

  10. Just found your blog via Mama's Mercantile and have to say I love the idea of a finish product blog party! I'm joining in. Thanks for hosting this lovely party.

  11. Way to go! I'm having fun thinking of my finishes for future Fridays! Thanks, Jill!


Thankyou so much for visiting, and for taking the time to leave me a comment :) I really really love getting little messages, I read and value every single one, so thankyou again, and have a great day :)