Wednesday 9 November 2022


I mentioned in my last post that I was going into hospital last week to have my gall bladder removed, and thankyou so much for all your kind wishes. I'm happy to report that the surgery went really well and I'm recovering nicely. My tummy is still very sore (and VERY bruised) but other than that I'm feeling fine. I'd read a lot about gas pain afterwards, from the air that they "inflate" you with during the surgery, but I was lucky and didn't have any of that. Lifting is still a big no-no, I can't bend very well, and feel like I've done a million sit ups, but all things considered I feel really well.

Of course whilst recovering I've been able to craft - thank goodness - and I've made a good start on making my Christmas cards...

I'm aiming to make 4 a day throughout the remainder of November which will give me the hundred or so that I need.

On the morning of my operation there was a fair amount of waiting around, and I'd taken some crochet with me - of course - so I rustled up lots of little granny squares ...

They're made from the leftover Scheepjes minis that I received on the Carcassonne crochet retreat ...

They are going to be turned into a blanket at some point, and I think I will edge them in cream and join using continuous join-as-you-go. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on how you look at it) this will necessitate the purchase of more yarn! 

Since I got home I've been working away on my Fireside blanket ...

I just love the gorgeous colours, they're so cosy ...

Its coming along nicely, and I'm a good 2/3 of the way through, not counting the border. I'm loving how its looking, and its working up very quickly indeed. Enforced rest is very good for crochet-time!

I'm on a mission to get it finished ASAP mainly as I have so many other things I want to make! Crochet baubles to name one, every year I say I'm going to make them, every year I don't get round to it, I even have the baubles to cover, so maybe this is the year that I'll get them done.

That's it from me for this week, as you can imagine it's been a fairly quiet one as I am being kind to my body, giving it lots of rest in order to recover fully. Thanks again for all the good wishes,

Til next time



  1. Nice cards, and that's great you get crochet time. I am one of those people who have so many projects going half way and then start another one. I am trying to finish a lap afghan to donate first, but yesterday started making a Christmas ornament, ha ha!

    1. oh yes I suffer fro startitis too - the struggle is real!

  2. I'm so glad your surgery went well. I had it a couple of years ago and I can pretty much promise you that it solves a lot of problems and clear sailing ahead! I love your patchwork afghan -- such gorgeous colors of yarn! It's nice to find you again -- I follow with bloglovin but it has been so broken with no notifications I have missed a lot!

  3. so glad that the surgery went well and that you are on the mend. You have a beautiful talent with colors!!

  4. I am so glad that your surgery went well and you are recovering nicely. I love those Christmas cards. I have never been good at making cards or scrapbooking. Yours are gorgeous. It is great to be a crafter when you have enforced rest time. You have been quite productive with your pretty crochet.

  5. Wonderful to hear that you are recovering well! The cards and crochet are beautiful, there is nothing more healing than crafting.

  6. Good to hear your surgery is over and went well. Hope you are recovering comfortably. Your cards are so pretty and wow! The colors in your crochet are simply gorgeous. I mostly knit, but I did start (2 years ago? 3?) making some granny squares from left over sock yarn. I should get back to that and then join them for a little blanket.

  7. So glad the surgery is behind you! The crochet is beautiful I love the fireside blanket--it is gorgeous!!!! Happy healing!

  8. I'm so glad you're on the mend. You're putting your rest time to such good use, and I'm quite taken with your pigs-in-blankets, chocolate orange reindeer, and Christmas cards. I feel quite un-crafty next you you and your accomplishments.

  9. I'm pleased to hear that all went well with the op and that you're on the road to recovery. A busy time of year is coming up so it's good that you're able to use this time productively. Your Christmas cards are lovely.

  10. When I was at the surgeon's getting my recheck and he stood me in front a mirror (?!) to show me the incisions and I apparently looked very distraught. He thought I was going to faint from the sight of my belly but in truth I wasn't looking at that at all. I was shocked at how bad my hair
    The cards are lovely and remind me I have mine half finished waiting for me in the craft room. I went gung ho on them too early and now I've lost interest entirely.

  11. So glad all went well and you are out the other side, you've certainly been very productive with all the crafting. x

  12. I'm glad that your surgery went well, now you have a good excuse to just sit and craft and crochet without feeling guilty haha, your cards are lovely and what would we do without granny squares I never get sick of making them, your fireside blanket is coming along really well those colours are so lovely together.

  13. I'm so glad that you're doing well dear Jill! And you are so amazingly talented at your crafting. Your cards are adorable and what a great plan for knocking them out. And I am determined to learn crochet one of these days!! Because I look at what you make and love them so much.

  14. I'm so glad to hear that you are recovering so well! I hope that continues. I love the cards you have made so far, and am amazed at your crochet skills. I can crochet a chain and have yet to figure out anything else.

  15. I am glad to hear that the surgery is behind you and you are recovering well. The flowers are very pretty. The crocheted blanket is amazing. The colors are so pretty together. Your cards are darling. What a labor of love.

  16. Yay, I am so happy to hear the good news. I pray that you will continue to recover in good speed and 100%.
    Your Christmas cards are beautiful. Good for you for the goal you have set. :-) You can do it.

  17. Your cards are lovely, and I'm beginning to feel quite festive with so many people sharing their makes online.
    I'm pleased your surgery went well. Rest up and feel better soon. Xx

  18. So glad to hear surgery went well and you are giving your body time to heal. Great progress on your projects and I love your holiday cards. I really need to get out my stamps and play a bit this year.

  19. I'm so glad your surgery went well and you have something to enjoy as you recover. I love ALL the colors in those yarns:)

  20. The colors of the Fireside Blanket are so rich and beautiful! I have not used Stylecraft Heathers before...I will have to try that sometime! I love Sheepjes yarn Both Stone Washed and River Washed...but I wish there was a plain bright red!! Hope you keep resting and crocheting and your recovery is complete!

  21. Pleased to hear you are on the mend and that you haven’t been wasting your recovery time. I am feeling very sluggish, I blame the long journey home but really I have no excuse. Keep up the good work and be well, Jennyff

  22. Fabulous Christmas cards. Homemade ones are always the best.
    I can almost feel the warm cosiness of you fireside blanket. It will be wonderful when finished.
    Glad the op went well and am sending speedy recovery wishes x

  23. I’m glad your surgery went well! The colors in those granny squares are so yummy:)

  24. So good to hear you are recovering from your surgery, Jill... I really love those Christmas cards--that is a hobby I would have enjoyed in my younger days, but I don't want to start anything new at this point :) Your granny squares are so bright and cheery. Hope you have a lovely week ahead!

  25. Hi Jill! VERY pretty crochet! I'm glad you are recovering well!

  26. Sorry to see you had an operation! I hope you are recovering well. I know from experience it can take a long while! I hope you will soon be back to blogging again. 😊🙋‍♀️😘 Your crochet looks so beautiful!
    Wishing you well, hugs, Barbara (The Flashing Scissors )


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