Saturday 6 February 2016

The Autism Project

Many of you will know two things about me:
1. My son has autism
2. I am running the London Marathon (OMG) in April to raise money for the National Autistic Society (

I've had to think up lots of fundraising ideas, and my latest one is one of my favourites as it involves crochet. My plan is to get people (including you lot hopefully) to sponsor me actual money and also to crochet some squares for me. Yes, I'm getting people to pay me AND crochet for me - hopefully they will see it as paying to be part of a fun and worthy project :)

I'll somehow gather up all the squares and join them together into some kind of banner (like that above) which I'm then planning to donate to our local autism school in April. It ties in well with the timing of World Autism Awareness Week ( too.

I posted about this in a couple of Facebook groups this morning, and already there are people making squares for me - how fantastic! These are some of the photos they've posted so far ....

And here are a few I rustled up this morning .....

I am reeeeeeeaaaaaaally hoping to turn this into an international project, and it would be totally awesome if some of you, my lovely readers, whether at home here in the UK, or overseas, could crochet me some squares and also sponsor me. I am more than happy to bear the cost of postage, we would need to work that bit out, but it really would be fabulous to have a project that is truly global.

If you're interested (and I really really really hope you are!) here are the details:

- squares need to be roughly 3 inches by 3 inches (7.5 cm x 7.5 cm)
- you can use any pattern, solid granny, standard granny, rows, anything.
- each square needs to be one colour of green, yellow, red or blue. Any shade. But please feel free to make several squares of each colour if the fancy takes you!
- ideally I'd need the squares by March 17th (St Patrick's Day, easy to remember!)
- I'll email anyone who is interested my postal address
- I'm happy to reimburse for postage
- and the important bit - you can sponsor me at

I don't really like asking people for money but the National Autistic Society is an amazing charity providing support, information, advice and training for families, like mine, who are affected by autism. Since our son's diagnosis we have turned to them for help,so many times, and the training course we attended, provided by the NAS was literally life-changing.

If you're not sure how this project will work please feel free to ask questions, and I really hope some of you will participate :) 

So - are you in???!!!?? Hope so!!!

Many heartfelt thanks for reading :)



  1. At the very least I am cheering you on with your support of this worthy cause, Jill. I want to do more than cheer...and don't want to disappoint am making no other promises at this point. xx

    1. No worries Gracie, I need all the cheering I can get! Jillxo

  2. Send me your address to and I will see what I can do when I get back from my daughters. Like Gracie I will definitely be cheering you on.

  3. Jill I am not very good at crochet but I will make you a square or two with pleasure, and sponsor you too. Well done you! Please email me your address X

  4. Hi Jill e-mail me your address and I will send you some squares! Happy to help! xx

    1. Thanks Amy, have emailed you my address (though we could just meet for a coffee!) xx

  5. Jill, I am happy to rustle up some squares for you. Could you send me your address please, Xx

    1. Hi Jan,
      Thanks for the offer, I've sent you my address :)

  6. Thankyou all! I've contacted you each by email or your blog :) xx

  7. When is the deadline? I've found it can take a lot of time to mail something from the US to the UK. What a great project for you to embark on!
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. I haven't got a set deadline but I was thinking mid March. Not sure about postal times, maybe they vary according to times of the year! Who knows with these things!!

  8. Send me your address and I will crochet a few squares. eclectichomeandlife(at)gmail(dot)com

  9. would love to help, my crochet skills aren't great, but I can manage granny squares! hope the training is going well. my daughter is training for a half marathon at the moment, I know how much of a training commitment it all is x

    1. Thankyou , it's going quite well (though was v wet and windy this morning, I was frrrreeeezing!). Lots of luck to your daughter for her half marathon, no easy task!
      I've emailed you my address, Thankyou again :)

  10. I would love to help Jill please email me your address. :)

  11. Hello Jill, I just found a link to you from Love Made my Home and would love to make you some squares. It is a cause close to my heart so happy do a little bit to help raise awareness.

    1. Thank you so much Anne - thanks for visiting and for the offer of some squares :) I've commented on your blog so you can email me and I can reply with my address. Hope that makes sense!!!

  12. I would love to help in the form of a donation Sweetie! I wish I could crochet - but haven't gotten there yet. ON my bucket list to learn though!! Lol ;) But it is such an important and worthy cause and I have many friends affected by this disorder as well. Would I go to the link address you mentioned to make a donation?

    Best of luck and blessings with this endeavor my dear Jill! ;) xoxo

    1. Hey, yes, to donate it's
      Thankyou soooo much :) xxxx

  13. When I was a teacher I encountered many lovely children like your son who struggled daily to fit in with our public school expectations. I think about them often and where their journey lead them. Good luck with your goal!

  14. Just found you via Linda's crafty corner. I have a bunch of little balls left from my blanket and will gladly whip up some squares. I will pop over and pass some money as well.

  15. I hope I am not too late to join you! My email is:
    It would be great if I can help you with a few squares, as I totally understand what autisme means to your family. Lots of love from Mirjam.

  16. Hi Jill. I have crocheted sone squares for you for your project. If you can email me your address I will post them to you. May be able to make a few more 17th March if you need more. My email is burnett.w@sky,com

  17. Hi, Really great effort. Everyone must read this article. Thanks for sharing.

  18. Hi Jill. I have made some squares for you. Could you please email me the address to send them to? My email is Thanks :)


Thankyou so much for visiting, and for taking the time to leave me a comment :) I really really love getting little messages, I read and value every single one, so thankyou again, and have a great day :)