Thursday 24 July 2014

Lazy Days

Hello bloggy friends :) Sorry for the short absence, just family life taking over for a while, but school holidays started today and the madness has stopped. True, there may now reign a different type of madness, but hey, a change is as good as a rest, right ??!

It has to be said though that this first day of the holidays has been really really lovely - slow and relaxing, hot and sunny. I started the day with a bit of breakfast in the garden, always the best start to the day, especially when you know you have nothing special to do, and no particular place to be.

During the morning I spent some hooky time catching up with my rose-blanket, an activity thinly disguised as child-supervision :) Loving this colour combo though ..... fresh and springy .....

Little Man spent pretty much the entire day planted in front of the xbox. He always does this almost exclusively for the first few days of the holidays, before realising that it IS okay to do other things too :) Meanwhile, the girls got busy at the garden table with the loom bands. As well as the usual wrist bands, they've made all sort of wonderful and wacky creations - little people, key-fobs, skipping ropes, hairbands, the list goes on.

I might post some photos of the various works of art tomorrow :)
The loom bands were getting dangerously depleted so we made a trip out to stock up. The girls were in Seventh Heaven choosing from this lot ...

... and then somehow ended up buying a new paddling pool as well :) The weather as been so amazing, and our only paddling pool was titchy, and had been outside full of rainwater (and goodness knows what other gunge) all winter, so we splashed out (see what I did there :) on a new one.

It cooled me down just even watching them in it. Loads of fun, the stuff that memories are made of. There's nothing quite like shrieking and splashing around in the sprinkler, then snuggling up in warm towels with lollies and squash (and even a bit of Mummy's diet coke as a treat). I remember exactly this from my childhood. Water fights in the garden with the kids next door, then wrapping up in towels to eat choc-ices on a big blanket on the grass.

I have a few other exciting things going on, but that will have to wait for another day. In the meantime, check out this totally LusciouS yarn that I treated myself to last week. It's Smiley Stripes from Sirdar, I really Really REALLY love this colour, I think its called Honolulu :) I *think* it will be made into a scarf or shawl or similar, but at the moment I am happy just to gaze upon it :) Here it is .....


  1. Ohh.. love that last yarn.. is it wool or cotton? My granddaughters are really into the band looms and have made all kinds of fun stuff. Thanks for adding my blog to your list.. I'm heading right over to add yours to mine! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    1. Its 80% bamboo, 20% wool. It feels almost like embroidery threads, very smooth. Thanks for reading and for adding :)

    2. Your new yarn is lovely!!! I can see why you like to sit and admire it. It sounds as though you are having a great start to the summer holidays. Lots of fun to be had by you all. A paddling pool sounds like a great idea for cooling down in. Oh, and I love your roses for your blanket too! xx

  2. My little miss is crazy with rainbow looms too !!
    It is great to see kids with handwork ..
    That wool is gorgeous. The colours wonderful, it gives the taste to eat it..
    Have great holidays.

  3. Beautiful yarn, I would sit and admire it if it were mine. Paddling pools are great for hours of fun, lot of happy memories in the making. Have a great summer.

  4. LoveLy that your hol's are just starting, there's no feeling like it! We are about half way through ours now. Gorgeous photo's of the hands in the pool! And that yarn, oh my! I love those colours! Have a great and relaxing holiday, look forward to keeping up with all your summer adventures! X

  5. The yarn looks dreamy as does the colour combo on your roses. I have never heard of these loom bands but it souds like something my girl would really enjoy (off to google...)


  6. OMG Burgitta, cannot believe there is a corner of the globe that loom bands haven't reached yet. She will love them :) Just keep them away from little baba chubby-cheeks :) xo

  7. I am so glad you are settling into the summer with fun and ease. Your days look filled with fun.

  8. Ooooh, I love that yarn.


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