Sunday 8 November 2015


Hello dear friends, and a big happy welcome to my new readers - I've been meaning to thank you for dropping by for ages!

Just a quick update from me this evening, I've been crafting madly but don't seem to have too much to show for it. I'm making stuff to sell at a couple of craft fairs in a few weeks - lots of these owl keyrings ...

.... a load more Christmas stockings from upcycled sweaters ....

.... with my own label lovingly sewn in ...

.... and a really sweet doorstop for my friend's birthday ...

.... this was made from upcycled jeans, I do love a bit of re-using :) I'm planning to make a few more of these to sell. I'm filling them with Asda smart price rice - 40p for 500g - great value! I can't decide whether to make a load of different designs or just the cupcake in different colours. That might be a bit quicker so maybe that then.

My other big news ...... is ....... I got a charity place in the London Marathon!! OMG!!!! I mentioned aaaaaages ago that I'd applied for a place, and only found out last week that I was one of the lucky (I think ?!) ones. I'm running it to raise money for the National Autistic Society, in recognition of my amazing son's challenging year at school last year, and of course his ongoing battles with everyday life, bless him.

All the money from my craft bits being sold is going to the NAS (over £100 so far) and I have a few other fundraising ideas going round in my brain too. Oh and I must set up one of those just-giving page thingies.

So anyway when I'm not crafting I'm training. Or recovering from training lol. And then I have to sort out other fundraising. And of course cook, clean, be a Mum's taxi, and so on and so on. And tomorrow I'm helping at school (argh why did I offer to do that, I have to fit in a long run tomorrow - luckily a long run is currently only an hour for me). But its all good fun and its great to have something very specific to focus on.

Right then off I go, got about 30 heart keyrings to assemble!!