I have just read this post on Christina's blog. I love reading her wordy day posts and have, several times, written such a post of my own, but I've always given up as it doesn't seem to read very well - I always think who would be interested in my waffle anyway ? But I'm feeling inspired today to give it a go so here goes ...
My alarm goes off at 6.45am and I VERY begrudgingly get up, I am a night owl, definitely not a morning person, and every morning is a struggle. Having said that, all I do is waken the teenagers, make sure they actually get up, and then I go back to bed and just rest or sometimes doze. I find that just staying out of everybody's way works best for us, they just get on and get themselves breakfast and get ready, then head off to school.

Hubby drives Mr Teenager to school, Little Miss walks. They all leave about 7.45. Usually at 7.30 I get up again (as it were) and get Little Tomboy out of bed and getting ready. She leaves a bit later and has started walking on her own, she feels very grown up. Its an easy walk with one road to cross at a pedestrian crossing, and of course there are hundreds of other kids and parents all walking the same way. This week however she is away on a school residential for the week so I don't have that deadline to get her out of bed, and I lie on a little longer - how decadent!
I finally get up properly at about 8.30am and take the dog for a walk. Its a beautiful fresh morning, the afternoons have been pretty warm this week but the morning has that lovely fresh early morning feel that comes with the onset of autumn. I try to take some photos of Pixie but she is determined to not look at the camera.
Once we get back, and I'm showered and have had a coffee, I get the first wash of the day on. Why is the laundry basket always full and beyond overflowing ??? Are there secret extra people living in my house ? I sit down to do a bit of work on my website. I'm doing a mini revamp, I want to have a front page with a banner that matches my Etsy shop banner, and links to my blog and my shop. I struggle, argue and fight with various website builders for about 2 hours. Why is this so difficult ? I worked in IT for about 16 years for heaven's sake. I give up and decide to tackle my other job of the day which is to work out how I can ship a couple of my shop's items without charging the shipping fee, as they are being purchased by people collecting locally. This time I argue with Etsy and google for another hour. Every google search points me to the Etsy Sell app, which I install on my phone, and try to follow the instructions google gives me. I just can't see how to do it. I'm getting so frustrated and my brain hurts.
Hubby phones and rescues me by taking me to lunch. We go to our local Costa, which is in the cinema but is actually more popular than the cinema itself. In fact its so popular that its undergoing the second expansion in the two or so years since it opened. I have a nicoise salad which is yummy, but am very disappointed to see there is no carrot cake. I'm quite addicted to Costa carrot cake, it is AMAZING. I assume they are baked en masse so I'm always impressed by how delicious it is. However the fact that they have none its probably a good thing for my waistline (not that I have one, hmph).
I return to my desk and resume the no-shipping search. Finally I learn that the instructions I kept seeing on every google search result, was for functionality that was removed last March. Marvellous. And then the penny drops that all I have to do is amend the listing to have shipping set to zero. I'm so annoyed at wasting so much time on something that turned out to be so easy. I get my orders packaged ready for collection, and then I finish up a unicorn that I'm making for a customer. It's looking very cute and I'm feeling really pleased to get it done, as you all know I am a serial non-finisher so actually completing anything is a Big Thing.
As usual my afternoon, which is very short, is over all too soon. I have to leave at 2.30pm to pick up Mr Teenager at 3pm. He's been complaining that we don't have enough fruit for days now. We had some strawberries that were fine but past their date, and he refuses to eat them. Similarly for oranges and apples. So, rather huffily, I resign myself to a trip to Sainsbury's on the way home. The traffic is horrendous due to perpetual roadworks, and by the time we get near to Sainsbury's I am very grumpy indeed. I hate food shopping. Even little food shops. Just so tedious. However, the chemist we use is next to Sainsbury's so I pop in to get some medication that they owe us. Mr Teenager is on two lots of medication. One is a bit unusual, and noone else in the area seems to use it, so every time we need it the chemist has to order it in. They order it in packs of 30 tablets but the prescription is only for 28, so there are always a few leftover at the chemist. They usually give us what they have in, and then owe us the rest. Its been so long though since I was supposed to collect them, (we had got double at some point that we've managed to eke them out), that now it is time to request the new repeat prescription for the next lot. This job in particular makes me realise how quickly time passes, I seem to be doing this job every week, or at least that's how it feels. The chemist is fab though, and will text me when the meds are in.
In Sainsbury's we stock up on the fruit and veg, and, as we have a school meeting to attend tonight, and time is limited, I decide to be lazy and buy ready-meals for tea.
We get home about 3.45pm and I realise we only have an hour until we have to go out again. Mr Teenager is hungry - what's new - and eats his meal straightaway while I put away the rest of the shopping. I feel really twitchy as I hate waiting for it to be time to go out somewhere, so I decide to just sit and mess about on my phone for a bit. Little Miss arrives home and we chat about her day for about a nanosecond before she disappears off to her room.
Despite telling Mr Teenager to be ready at 4.45pm, I am still yelling "HURRY UP" up the stairs at 5pm, when hubby arrives home, a bit late (like father, like son), to pick us up. We have to sit in the miserable traffic again on the way back to school. The meeting is with Mr Teenager's tutor to discuss moving forward to Sixth Form, and then a talk by the Head of Year about key dates, exams and so on. I spend the whole meeting in a state of befuddlement at how we have come to be at this stage of our lives. The Assistant Head put it very well: "you've strapped yourself into the roller-coaster and its only going to get worse". Yep, that's how I feel. The whole GCSE, ALevel, Uni thing seems far too grown up for me to be dealing with for my children. Is it really nearly 16 years since Mr Teenager was born ? 16 years ? Seems like the blink of an eye.
On the way home, in the car, we somehow get onto the subject of wives/partners. Mr Teenager says he wants to be absolutely sure that he only has children with the right person and he'd want to wait a long time to make sure the person is right for him. Hubby says to him " don't spend too long looking, there comes a time when you just have to settle for what you've got"!!!. Of course I splutter and laugh, and hubby digs himself further into a hole "you don't have to wait for the perfect person" etc etc. All very funny :)
We get home and I'm tired from concentrating on the laptop half the day and then trying to be a sensible, responsible parent at the school meeting. I don't really fancy my prawn linguini and decide instead to have a cinnamon and raisin bagel - mmmmmm, so yummy.
We're home at around 6.45pm and get the usual high energy from the dog - it is great to be so loved :) I decide to have a bit of a play with my new badge making machine, making some badges with papers that I have in my stash.
By about 7.30 Hubby and I watch a bit of telly whilst homework gets done upstairs. I find these days I am really tired by about 9pm, so it's usually an episode or two of whatever we're watching (currently something called SWAT team which is a cop drama thing). Just after 9 I let the dog out and then put her to bed, and then I put myself to bed.
Re:etsy and local pick up. Refund their postage amount. There's a three dot spot that you click on and mark as shipped. Still giving you trouble? Throw an old tracking number in shipping slot.
ReplyDeleteReading all the etsy help won't help.
I LOVED this post. I love hearing about how others pass their time. Now that it's just me and The Mister I miss those hectic days of having a family to run. These are supposed to be my golden years but honestly, they are sad and lonely. The real golden years are the ones where the kiddos are still underfoot.
ReplyDeleteWaffle as much as you like, it was enjoyable! I love being nosey and peeking into other people's lives. Pixie is just gorgeous and I really love your unicorn. I love amigurumi but have never tried it. The thought of making it terrifies me for some odd reason. xx Susan
ReplyDeleteI am re-living the hectic days of school wake-ups and pick ups, etc! lol
ReplyDeleteA very interesting post-I'm glad you took the time to write and share it!
I enjoyed reading this post! It feels like I get to know you better :-)
ReplyDeleteAnd it's recognisable too! Your post has left me with a smile, so thank you Jill!
Take care,
Sigrid (Kat Kat Katoen)
What a busy day! Hubby's! Don't they just put their foot in it! x
ReplyDeleteThanks for shari g a snippet of your life. I enjoyed the read. I am at thd stage of sats tests, year six and deciding what high school to se d my eldest daughter to. You're so right with it goi going in the blink of an eye. It only seems like yesterday that I was taking eldest to her first day at school.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link Jill. I like the beginning of your days, nice and gentle. I am usually working by 7:15! My oldest just finished his first week at university, it feels odd to be the mum of an adult. Luckily there are still two little ones in the house. I hope you got your website all sorted? Have a good week. x
ReplyDeleteI find that since early retirement we both get up so much earlier and often wonder how we ever had time to go to work.