Monday, 17 September 2018

Overdue catchup

Hello dear friends and readers!

I've missed you all! I cant believe I haven't blogged since January, I really don't know where this year has gone. I've done a few crafty bits and pieces over the year, but I thought I'd just dive straight in with where I am now.

You may have seen over on my instagram (EmeraldCottage) I've been sharing photos of some of the things I created in the last couple of weeks ......

๐Ÿ’š Coin purses

๐Ÿ’š Dreamcatcher

๐Ÿ’š Owl keyrings

๐Ÿ’š Strawberry keyring

๐Ÿ’š Halloween badges

The badges are a new venture, I'll do a blog post on badge making at some point for you. I'm still working out how best to get the artwork onto the paper for the badge, and experimenting with different methods. Its good fun though!

Now, I have 2 quite big pieces of news to share with you.
Firstly, I'm setting up an Etsy shop to try and sell some of my makes. I've been thinking of doing this for a while, and have sold via craft fairs and facebook in the past. Each of these has negative sides - personally I find the commitment of a craft fair really hard to manage, weekends are for family time and I don't like disappearing off for a day too often, and selling via facebook is ok but very casual, and I've wanted something a bit more structured and professional-looking. Going down the Etsy line is quite daunting, I obviously want the "shopfront" to look good, and the photos of my stock need to be good, plus I need to decide upon things like policies, shipping, returns and so on. Also, with Etsy you pay to list your items, even if they don't sell, so you do have to be quite sure that this is the way to go. I've been putting it off really, it feels a bit scary. But I've decided that this week I'm going to crack on with it, and just get it done.

My other piece of news is that I have started a You-tube channel, and am vlogging there as well as blogging here. My channel is under my own name Jill Davidson and you can find it here. I have 2 videos uploaded so far (here and here) with another to be edited and uploaded over the next couple of days, if you want to watch them and give me any feedback (hopefully positive lol), that would be really lovely.

I'll leave it here for now , I'm trying to get better and more efficient at blogging and not spending hours and hours refining a massive post - that's what I have a habit of doing and it turns every blog post into a massive deal, which of course in turn means I don't blog as often as I'd like. So hopefully this way I will be a bit more regular on here!

Hope you all have a great week,


  1. Youtube? How exciting! I'll go have a look. I could use a little inspiration in this miserable weather we are having here in the US.

  2. A joy to see you back here, I love all your makes particularly the coin purses they are stunning. Good luck with your new ventures wishing you every success.
    The little cork Scottie dog toppers were a purchase from the works.

  3. Iโ€™m glad to see you back blogging. You have been missed. I love all of the things youโ€™re making, especially the little coin purses. How exciting to have an Etsy shop and a YouTube channel. I watch lots of Knitting Podcasts so I will be heading over to see yours very soon. Blessings, Betsy

  4. Nice to hear from you - good luck with your Etsy shop x

  5. lovely to see you blogging again.Love your makes too.i will nip over and watch your You Tube vids.Good Luck with it all.x

  6. I love all your little makes. The coin purses are cute but I think I love the owl and strawberry keyrings the most. Good luck with your Etsy shop! xx Susan

  7. What a great catch-up!!! I like the little coin purses especially.
    Congratulations on the renewed blogging commitment, the new Etsy shop and the YouTube!!!! Good for you and I will be visiting all of them!

  8. I enjoy all your creative crafty products! Good luck on the Etsy shop. I have sold things over the years in my shop and then they made some changes last year that were so annoying that I closed my shop. But I hope you are a success with yours. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. Good to see you Jill! Good luck with your new business, I'll be sure to pop in your Etsy shop at some point (although I disagree with their lax interpretations of what exactly might be a "maker"). I love your little purses. xx

  10. PS-I forgot two things-I love the way your eyebrows turned out-the first day was a shock, right?! Can you email me so I can get your email and respond to your blog comments? Thanks!

  11. Hello Dearest! It was so nice to hear from you and so fun catching up on your projects! I love those coin purses to much. And of course I"m thinking all things Fall and halloween so adore the badges!! I need to look you up on Insta. I'm on there a lot too. I'm nervous about doing Etsy too, but I think I may tackle that very soon too. Wishing you the best of luck with it and maybe we can compare notes on it one day. ;) Keep me posted on the name of your shop.
    Blessings xo

  12. Hi Jill! It's fun to see you on Youtube!
    The purses are wonderful.

  13. Hello you're back! Good luck with the shop, hope you make lots of sales. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Thankyou so much for visiting, and for taking the time to leave me a comment :) I really really love getting little messages, I read and value every single one, so thankyou again, and have a great day :)